Hogan came home from the hospital on Tuesday. He hopped into the hospital lobby with his Elizabethan collar on and a drug-induced, silly grin on his face. The drugs kept him pretty happy for the first 48 hours, then I think the pain and soreness started to set in. He has been pretty quiet since then, with the exception of a short walk down the block to visit his girlfriend, Annie, and her people. It has been a week of adjusting my expectations and cheering for the small wins like him making it down the 4 stairs to the backyard all by himself (which he did on Wednesday) and his first poop (which was met with wild applause on Thursday).
I have to assume that all of his energy is going to his healing and that he will be back to his usual, happy self in a couple weeks. It is tough, but its the way it goes on the Rollercoaster of Love.
it takes time. pooping is major, and a walk down the block…geesh, sounds like hogan is doing pretty well for being less than a week out. cutie pie picture!!
charon & gayle
Wish you and Hogan all the best for a speedy recovery.
Hi there,
Hogan looks just like our Carter who is 10 days post op. It is a roller coaster of love for sure and it sounds like Hogan is doing well. This journey is hard, but worth the ride in the end…
Hogan and Carter do look alike. How is Carter doing? Have you heard the results of the pathology report on his leg?
Something very familiar about that dog….the eyes I think
Healing golden wishes! Feel better Hogan!
Those golden retriever eyes are incredibly soulful, aren’t they. Your golden has them too, I see.
The first few days were really hard emotionally. We also have an eleven year old Golden, Charlie. Carter was extremely active prior to the diagnosis and we are concerned about his behaviour as some of it seems as though he is depressed. I did order a Ruff Wear harness that I should receive shortly which should help us get him out more. I heard they are very helpful. This Wednesday he goes to get his staples out and he starts chemo shortly. We were told we caught it early, but there is a 90% chance it has spread microscopically and we are praying we caught it really early and chemo will eliminate anything else. He has gone for short walks to boost his spirits and the more he is outside the better… the only thing is … we got a foot of snow yesterday! I wish you and Hogan well. Take Care and keep in touch 🙂 We should receive the pathology report on Wednesday too.
A foot of snow — oh, man! After reading your note I took Hogan for a walk around the corner to go visit with some neighbors. The walk and change of scenery seemed to cheer him up a bit. I really hope you caught Carter’s cancer early and that chemo can take care of whatever might still be floating around. Have you looked into holistic ways to boost Carter’s immune system? I’m researching that now and am happy to pass along anything I learn, if you are interested. Hogan starts his chemo on Friday. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you on Wednesday for a smooth staple removal and a good pathology report.
Sounds like you have a good mind set. Of course, I know it’s way easier to say things than it is to actually believe them. Hogan sounds like he’s doing well. And it’s good for his energy to go to the healing. He’ll be up and about acting normal (and if he’s anything like Roxy, a little crazier than normal) in no time! 🙂
Ah, the recovery roller coaster… don’t forget to enjoy the ride! If Hogan is hopping down the block already he’s doing pretty darn good. 🙂 Just don’t do that too often, until he’s all healed up.