The longest journey starts with a single step

My honey bear — Hogan, my 10 1/2 year old golden retriever — was diagnosed with osteosarcoma on Thursday, April 7. He will have his rear left leg amputated on Monday, and I am scared out of my mind. This website has been tremendously helpful in getting my head around this diagnosis and figuring out what to do next. My heart, however, is lagging severely behind my head. I can’t imagine Hogan with only three legs, nor can I imagine him gone.
I admire the courage the rest of you exhibit. I only pray some of it can rub off on me.

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13 Responses to The longest journey starts with a single step

  1. admin says:

    Can you imagine Hogan free of pain? Focus on that. Our best advice is to try to put your human emotions aside and be more Dog. Be sure to bookmark Jerry’s Required Reading List for lots of recovery tips and post in the forums for more advice from others who have been through this.

    Welcome, and thanks for joining the club nobody wants to join!

  2. tatespeeps says:

    Oh, don’t be scared! It will be okay, I know it’s almost surreal, hard to believe it is all happening. Decide to deal with the emotions later and then you will find you’re so relieved it won’t matter. It was a shock to see Tate without his leg but it only lasted a moment, I was so happy so see that precious face again.

    I’m so glad you are acting quickly and you definitely have the right attitude. One step at a time. Don’t get ahead of yourself.

    And when it gets to be too much, pour it out here. There’s always someone to help. I don’t know how I would have done this without Tripawds.

  3. anjl says:

    Bud is a golden also. He is also a left rear amp due to a bad hip and femur fracture. He has been a tripawd now for tow months.
    Sorry for your heartache! Hang in there! We hope Hogan’s surgery goes well and send golden healing wishes!

  4. riosmom says:

    When my oncologist said Rio would have to lose her leg, it was like the end of the world. It was the worst day ever. She wanted to schedule Rio for surgery that very day, but I needed time to process. It took me two weeks to pull the trigger, and I never had a worse day than the day of her surgery. But when we went to pick her up, she came hopping towards me, tail wagging, and she was still my Rio. And every day since then, she has demonstrated her strength, her resilience, her character.

    You mention the courage of us tripawd parents — we get it from our dogs! And you will begin to see the same courage in yourself as you take this journey with yours’. In the meantime, deep breaths, and lots of hugs and cookies for your Hogan.

    Micki and Rio

    • hschriefer says:

      Thanks, Micki. I can’t tell you how much better I felt after that first post, and the responses have been so sweet, encouraging, and helpful. I hope Rio is doing well!

  5. kpbrooks says:

    I just brought my 11 yo Aussie Mix, Lucy home yesterday. It is a shock to see her without her back left leg. But, she had cancer and was in pain. I’m told these first few days are the hardest. She seems so distant at times. Like she’s mad at me. But I do appreciate the small things, like, she wagged her tail at my fiance today. I know I did the right thing. I just want to will these tough days to go by fast so I can have my girl back.

    • hschriefer says:

      Oh honey, Lucy is not made at you. I don’t know you guys, but even if you did something truly horrible, I am sure Lucy could never be mad at you. And you have just saved her life, so I know she is not mad at you. Yes, she is in pain and will be for a few days while she recovers from surgery. Just afford her the luxury of being doped up on drugs and out of it for a few days while the worst of the pain passes. I’m sure she will be back to her old self in no time. I hope the next few days fly by for you.

      Heidi and Hogan

    • hschriefer says:

      How is Lucy doing now? Is she acting more like her old self yet?

      Heidi and Hogan

  6. Amanda says:

    I really like your title: the longest journey begins with a single step. How correct it is. Our goldendoodle Lola lost her hind limb to osteosarcoma April 7. Like you, I am here for the support, as we figure out how we get through this. Good luck to you and Hogan. Lola, my 6 year old goldendoodle, and I will be thinking of you.


    • hschriefer says:

      Thanks, Amanda. Hogan and I will be thinking of you and Lola too. Please let us know how things progress.

      Heidi and Hogan

  7. jerry says:

    Hope is contagious here Heidi, you’ll see. We’re so sorry about Hogan, we know that it’s difficult to imagine how things will be after amputation.

    For now, keep reminding yourself that you aren’t getting rid of a leg, you’re getting rid of the horrible pain. Take things one hop at a time and eventually you’ll be looking back at weeks, then months gone by while he’s feeling great and you’ll wonder why you were ever so worried. Remember, he doesn’t know what cancer is, he’s just going to keep on living and loving. Follow his lead and you’ll be just fine.

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